Monday, August 4, 2008

Let the planting begin

We're back from a weekend in the big city. Even in a few days it feels like so much has changed. A rhodo has come out in full flower by the gate to the shed paddock and also the camelia by the big strawberry tree has bloomed. Things are starting to feel a bit like spring, not to mention all the little lambies that are popping up all over the place. They are so cute and we may have a few of our own soon. Oh the joy!

Anyway, we have begun planting a few things here and there. We finally got some garlic in the Orangerie a week or so ago and then when the weather cleared up a bit after the storm last Thursday we got the first of the climbers into the aviary - snow peas, broad beans and sugarsnap peas - and also planted a second row of garlic. The first row we planted is already sprouting. It has grown so much in 3 days! Soon we shall be gorging ourselves on homegrown produce!

On the way back from Welly today we were going to meet Marty's mum in Waikanae at a cafe but it was closed so while we waited for her to arrive we had a wander around the garden centre next door. We picked up some brown onion seedlings and broccoli seedlings. When Renata arrived we headed off to another cafe IN a garden centre and had some breakfast before loading our car with more seedlings - oregano, thyme, mesclun, curly parsley, borage, red onions, white alpine strawberries, pak choy and mint. So we will be back in the aviary planting everything when the skies clear again.

The boys were very happy to see us when we got back. We did a big poo pick and fed them and then retired to the indoors, partly to shelter from the rain, and partly to make pizza. Pizza was awesome! As was the Mighty Boosh.

But I think it is now bedtime. I'm exhausted. It has been a bit of a big weekend. Hopefully we can take the boys for a ride tomorrow and plant at least some of the plants that now line the deck by the kitchen. It is getting slightly ridiculous. And still need to get the flowering cherries into the garden somwhere. We finally managed to get the plum trees in last Thursday as well.

Ok, sleepy :)

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