Monday, August 25, 2014

Really I just wanted to add some photos from the last few weeks.  Work has been really quiet so I've been doing lots of fun stuff!

It was Winston's 50th the other week so we all went over to Taupo and went fishing and generally had fun hanging out.  We were so lucky with the weather as there was meant to be a horrendous southerly moving up the country.  I'm pretty sure it hit the day that we left as we arrived home to snow, crazy wind and no power.  It was a lot of fun though.  I even got to reel in a trout (which we had to throw back but it is nice to know they are still out there!  All in all we caught 5 - 3 keepers, 2 thrown back to carry on growing.

Andrea and Winston...

I caught a wee one....

Marty pretending to be posh in his camo....

The other day Nora and I finally went to our first competition of the season.  I've registered to go to 2 events so far and both have been cancelled so this felt like quite an achievement even though one of our team members was sick with meant we only had 2 people instead of 3.  The organisers happily accepted a 2 person team even though our team name was Three's Jumpany - I guess 2 is actually a better fit for that idiom.... 3 is a herd (thanks, Alison!).  So here are Nora and I discussing Topscore strategies.... 

I just bloody adore my horse - he is the best dude ever.  He went crashing through the first jump but that was my lack of confidence rather than his but the rest he just flew over, including the Joker which I think was our saving grace and getting us 2nd place...

Our other wins (admittedly we placed in all classes because there weren't very many entries) were:

  • 2nd in Topscore
  • 2nd in the Showjumping
  • 3rd in the Derby
  • 2nd for the team points (even being a member short!)

Marty has been getting more into his woodwork and has been creating these beauties of late.  He has also just started making a beautiful beeswax wood polish.  I'm going to try to get some of them on the website soon and set up some sort of ordering system.  Long overdue I think!


Kerry :)