Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cleaned up

Here is little Jed (who happens to be a girl) minus the goo. She's much lighter that I thought she would be - colour-wise, I mean. She looks very much like her mum. Eidel is being the doting mother and checking in on her left, right and centre, very different from Fungus with Sid. Sid was left to her own devices and mosst of the time when she cried for food Fungus would ignore her and carry on eating. I think that is why Sid is such a rebel now. She's like a little skateboarder ollieing off everything and doing big jumps. Very funny to watch.
Dinky has lost responsibility for 2 of the pheasant eggs as Babi stole them off her during the night and has claimed them as her own. They are both nestled in the same nest so it doesn't make much of a difference.
Christmas is being planned... every meal has been written down between Christmas Eve and Boxing Day. Whether the plans will remain the same is yet to be seen. I envisage many changes before then. Probably on the day actually.
The weather has packed in and doesn't look as though it's going to clear any time soon so we have holed up indoors and I think tree decorating is on the cards for this afternoon... if we can find the decorations. We have a freshly cut tree from the garden though which is nice. I love the smell of pine wafting through the house. I just hope the dog doesn't pull it over. He tipped all the water out of his bowl yesterday so he could bring it into the living room. Silly dog.
And on a side note, I was looking through some classifieds the other night and found, to my amusement, 2 ads, one wanting terracotta garden boots and the other wanting a rotary hue. I found it very amusing. Maybe my amusement was emphasised by wine?
Anyway, Renata and Brian are up tomorrow for a few days so hopefully the weather clears up.
Chau :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Welcome Jed!

We have just witnessed the birth of the newest member of the family, Jed. Eidel opted for the au naturale method and did a brilliant job - not even Sid tap dancing around a ledge in the shed could deter her. They are both fit and healthy and Jed has already given his/her lungs a good workout.

And one photo just for the hell of it... who rules our roost!?

Also, I semi-accidentally ordered 6 fertilised pheasant eggs which arrived via Rural Delivery yesterday afternoon. Dinky is now happily keeping them warm in the coop and who knows whether they will hatch. If they do, they'll be here before 2009... just! I will keep you posted on their progress.
Help is needed with dinner so I better go.