Saturday, December 6, 2008
Cleaned up
Friday, December 5, 2008
Welcome Jed!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Return of the Lack (ey)
Withing the first half hour of Mum and Richard starting their minding duties, I got a panicked call from mum saying that Gizmo wouldn't eat and one of the chickens was missing. Rita had gone AWOL as revenge for kicking her and her friends out of their nests because they're all broody and not laying. When we got back to the farm I stalked her and uncovered her hideout...
in an iris with 10 eggs! So I stole her eggs and she has since gone back to the coop. Sill chook.
Sid took up a lot of our time while Jen was here because she's just so funny. The lambs were a bit upset at the lack of attention they were getting but it got them eating some grass which is good
But of course they weren't completely left out...
And Mono got some quality time too - once he decided he didn't want to eat my face...
Anyway, there is much more to say, I'm sure, but dinner is on it's way (good on Takapau co-op for delivering fresh fish to our door every Thursday!) and I need to turn my brain off in preparation for work bright and early tomorrow morning. I thought this time of the year would be quiet but apparently I was wrong and work has gone crazy. It's good for the holiday season but I'm spending a lot of time in the car.
Ok, I will be more prompt with my next post, I promise.
K :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
This week is going to be restful
As I said, it's been really cold here recently and 2 days after I bravely decided to plant out the zucchini and cherry tomatoes, we got a severe frost that almost did the zucchini in. All their leaves have turned black and they are not looking very happy. The next night I managed to get the frost cloth over them and I'm hoping they'll revive themselves. The tomatoes are suffering a bit but nowhere near as bad. I'm surprised the sweet banana chilli has weathered the storm, so to speak.
But on a positive note, one of the cherry trees is laden with sweet red fruit. It's so nice to be able to go and scavenge in the aviary. I'm still waiting on the strawberries, raspberries, grapes, blueberries, black currants and logan berries though! Soon, my pretties....
And the purple wisteria is in full force at the front and back of the house. The white one is on it's way and should be out in a few days. So here are a few photos of the garden at present...
The wisteria at the front of the houseOne of the many varieties of rhodo
The garden framed by a front
Pretty genko tree and others as the clouds pass
One of the dogwoods
We're heading to Welly this weekend for a bit of a fiesta so hopefully will see some of you then.
And I apologise if this post is a bit disorganised layout wise. The computer changes it every time I upload it for some reason
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ever expanding responsibilities... I love it!
Meanwhile, we are still looking after Bella who is slightly jealous of the new pups and has put them in their place a few times. But she still manages to get a bit of play time in
But it is almost time for the mass feeding of everyone so I better head off. Gizmo is not very well so she's getting some yummy acidophilus yoghurt in her feed for the next few days to try and balance out the bad bacteria with good bacteria (just like ont he ad :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Three Musjeteers and a Monito
She is such a cutie and even with in the last 2 days she has grown and livened up. Yesterday she could hardly walk but today she has been bounding all over the place and is less happy about sleeping in a box. She will probably eat her way out tonight.
Anyway, time to try and get little ones to sleep. Mono has just got his second wind and looks in no mood to sleep. Let the games begin...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The tiniest lamb ever
Friday, October 24, 2008
I'm still not sold on this 'sport' because I feel bad for the calf and the horse but it was interesting to watch. That was also our first introduction to the dust that billowed about under the animals' hooves. SOme of the horses were absolutely gorgeous! Big stocky cowboy horses.
One of the members of the Olympic team was there riding Dunstan Hairy Maclary. Unfortunately we didn't stay to see who won but it was awesome to see. Not many people went clear in that round so it would have been interesting. There was one jump, a big castle, that was about 6ft tall...
In amongst the horsey madness we observed the wood choppers...
which was impressive. Those guys got though some gosh darn mighty logs in very little time. And the little old man next to me was also highly impressed by their hard work.
And then we went back tot he rodeo arena for another coating of dust and to watch the actual rodeo...
This guy face planted quite badly. A lot of the riders barely made it out of the gate and the rodeo clowns spent a lot more time trying to round the bronco up afterwards. Those horses can jump though! One horse went straight up in the air, all 4 legs off the ground, about 4 feet. Pig jumping and bucking all over the place. Brother would be good in a rodeo...
Anyway, even though our Labour Weekend fiesta is looking slightly emptier people-wise, we will still be having a few people over for some rabbit stew and good times. I think everyone is arriving tomorrow.
Ont he vege front, our mushrooms have sprouted which I am over joyed about! One bucket has a cluster of fast growing fungi in one corner and you can see the other bucket pushing a few things through as well. All 5 cherry trees now have tiny little cherries on them, the strawberries are in full flower, the basil is a thick forest of green and purple and one pumpkin has survived transplantation and is poking a leaf through the soil. Our second vege garden in the arena paddock is well under way and hopefully we will finish it off next week so we can plant more potatoes etc...
The goats have gone fee range in the shed paddock and so far (touch wood) haven't escaped. We had a bit of a drama the other day with Eidel getting her foot caught up in the tether really badly and cutting off a lot of circulation to her foot. So I picked her up, untangled her and decided that the tether idea was finished. In the process, while holding her, I felt her stomach moving around so I;m pretty sure she is pregnant. And possibly Fungus as well but I havn;t picked her up. Eidel was surprisingly calm when I was holding her though. They are much more comfortable with us around now - not enough to come anywhere near us but at least they don't take off anymore!
Ok, bed time for me... work in the morning.
K :)